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ITM's review of the Versiv System

Posted 7 years ago

ITM recently made a sizeable investment in 20 new sets of test equipment. ITM's Fibre & Equipment Engineer, reviews the newly purchased Fluke Networks Versiv System equipment.

After using the Versiv System for a few months it clearly offers several advantages when compared to the previous generation of test equipment. Not only is the Versiv System faster, the modular design and online connectivity dramatically reduces our engineers travel time as they no longer need to call into the office to have test results downloaded or firmware updated. 

A key component of the Versiv System is Flukes Linkware Live cloud which provides web connectivity for remotely uploading test results and updating firmware. The modular design means that our engineers only need one test unit, with multiple modules, instead of potentially having individual copper and fibre testers and an OTDR. The whole system can now be carried around in one case, saving time, effort and even fuel for our vans as there is far less weight to carry around.

Testing times are dramatically reduced with the Versiv System, for a Cat6/Class Ea the test cycle is reduced from 22 seconds to just 10 seconds, more than halving the time allowed for testing for a copper based project. For fibre testing the savings are even more impressive, with test times reduced from 12 second tests to just 4 seconds. 

In addition to the productivity gains in testing we are also able to get test results back to our project managers almost immediately utilising Fluke Linkware Live. Our engineers can tether the test unit to a mobile phone allowing immediate upload of test results to the cloud which our project managers can then access remotely. Similarly, our project managers can remotely configure the test units for specific projects setting up floors or zones to be specified using client specified naming conventions.

The Versiv System has a wide range of diagnostic tools built in that will greatly assist with our engineers’ ability to fix any faults that they find, in the case that an engineer cannot identify the cause of a particular issue, test data can be uploaded and quickly and easily shared with senior ITM technical staff to help with identifying a solution.

In summary, during the few months that we have been using the new equipment I have identified the following advantages that translate into productivity gains for both ITM and our Customers:

  • Greatly reduced test cycle times for both copper and fibre.
  • Easy and fast movement of test data from site to office enables better project progress reporting, quicker sign-off and invoicing.
  • Ability to remotely configure and control the test units.
  • Simplified logistics, we now only have to maintain one fleet of modular multi-purpose test equipment.